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Christ Church School, like all church primary schools, is run by a board of local people including representatives of the church, Local Authority (LA), staff and parents.

The principal aim of the Governing Body is to ensure the school provides its children with a safe environment in which to learn and which helps them to achieve the best possible outcomes.

Working closely with the Head and Senior Leadership Team, the Governing Body is responsible for:
• Overseeing the direction and development of the school
• Contributing to whole school strategy, using school information and data
• Setting the budget and monitoring expenditure
• Monitoring standards
• The scrutiny and development of policies and procedures

The Governing Body meet twice a term for approximately two hours and some governors sit on one of the various committees that meet more regularly throughout the term. These committees include:

  • Finance and General Purpose
  • Data and Curriculum
  • Community and School

Governors regularly visit the school and they have provided workshops, run after-school clubs and liased with teaching staff about curriculum subjects.

To view our Instrument of Governance, please click here.

The current list of governors and their additional responsibilities is as follows:

Governor Category Additional responsibilities Relevant business interests* Personal relationship with members of school staff Start of term of office End of term of office
Gill Green LA Chair of Governors   None 04/09/14 12/10/26
Anita Thomas Deanery Synod

Vice Chair of Governors

Data and Curriculum Committee Member

*Owner of Green Cottage (used by JAM Club) None 04/10/17 3/10/25
Carol Walters Foundation DBE / PCC


Chair of Data and Curriculum Committee

  None 04/10/17 25/02/24
Joanne Brewer PCC


Chair of Finance Committee

Parents in Partnership

  None 15/10/13 16/10/25
Paula Walker Ex-Officio Head Teacher   None    
Rev Sally Jones Ex-Officio


R.E. and Worship

  None 2/12/18  
Julie Nichols PCC


Safeguarding Governor

Health and Safety Governor

Parents in Partnership

  None 23/10/14 22/10/26
Liam Healy Parent FGB   None 01/12/22 30/11/26
Mohammed Azizul Islam Parent


Finance Committee Member

Parents in Partnership

  None 19/05/20 18/05/24
Amy Stroud Staff Data and Curriculum Committee member   None    
Philip Anderson LDBS FGB   None 25/11/20 24/11/24
Ann Williamson Cross Foundation Diocesean Board of Education Appointed


Curriculum and Data Committee 

  None 25/11/20 24/11/24
Denise Cooper Co-opted governor


Data and Curriculum

  None 1/1/23 31/12/25
Kate Glick Co-Opted Governor Data and Curriculum Committee member   None 4/9/23 3/9/27
Carol Moy Deanery Synod Ex-Vice Chair of Governors   None 01/12/14 Resigned- 04/19
Clare Healey Parent Parents in Partnership     25/09/17 24/09/21

*Interests that could present a conflict of interest, including whether a Governor at another school.

For information on governor attendance, Christ Church Meeting attendance 22-23 FGB

For our Instrument of Government, click here.

If you would like to contact the Governing Body, would like to see a copy of the non-confidential minutes or are interested in becoming a Governor, please do so by email using the school admin account: