Attendance and Punctuality
We expect children to attend school everyday and we do not authorise holidays in term time – pupils have 13 weeks of holiday every year and we expect families to take their holidays in this time, as the school staff do.
If your child is ill and cannot attend school, we ask that you inform the school as early as possible by calling 0207 387 7881. If we do not receive a call from you and your child does not attend school, we shall call you to enquire about your child’s absence. We ask that you contact us on each day of your child’s absence to keep us informed.
Similarly, we expect that all children arrive on time each day and are collected promptly at 3:30 pm. Children arriving late to school miss important information which enables them to achieve in their studies and it can be very unsettling for pupils.
If you are going to be late collecting your child from school at the end of the day then please contact the school as soon as possible. If your child is going to be collected by another adult, please ensure that you have informed your child’s teacher and that the adult is known by your child’s teacher. We will not let children go home with adults who are not known to us.
The school has a zero tolerance approach to lateness and absence, and co-operates fully with the Local Authority in monitoring this.
Breakfast Club
A good breakfast is the best thing you can provide for your child in the morning to help them learn. Children need energy to learn and a good healthy meal – with fruit, some slow releasing carbohydrates such as porridge and a drink of water – will really help them concentrate and get the best from their day.
We run a school breakfast club from 8:00-9:00am each day, where children are provided with a healthy, nutritious breakfast and a range of activities to give them the best possible start in the morning. For more information about Breakfast Club please contact the school office, or speak to Sarah (Breakfast Club Co-ordinator), who can be contacted via email ( or in the school hall between 8am and 9am