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Inclusion and SEND

The Curriculum and Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Every child counts.

Our school is an inclusive, warm and thriving community. Despite our data (we are in the top quintile nationally for deprivation, numbers of black and minority ethnic pupils, pupils with English as an Additional Language and having almost twice the national figure for children with Special Educational Needs) we are happy, hardworking and aspirational and ambitious for our children’s outcomes and lives.

We celebrate the whole child and every gift and talent is pursued on their behalf. We have ex-pupils dancing in the Russian Royal Ballet, playing football for Arsenal, and a published author among our alumnae. Many of our children have been awarded scholarships and gone on to Russell Group universities and medical schools etc. We aim to build good citizens of good character who will forever uphold the values we have taught them. All children with SEN are included in all trips and after school clubs and the school will always find a way to ensure that every child has every experience the school has to offer.

Our curriculum is designed with clear progression paths that every child is expected to travel at their own pace. However, where we can we take steps to accelerate progress for those for whom learning is a sometimes more challenging. Every child’s progress is keenly tracked and where progress is a concern, strategies will be planned for that child. Impact of all interventions are a routinely scrutinised.

The school uses evidence-based intervention, provides additional tutoring, adapted resources and when a child is welcomed into the school with a specific need /disability then CPD for all staff is provided so that the whole school develops and understand and knows how to engage with the child. CPD for all staff around SEN is a regular feature of the school. The school has a strong history of running high quality nurture groups for fragile children to address social, emotional and behavioural difficulties. Children experiencing any challenges will be brought up in the weekly whole staff meeting so the child is ‘held in mind’ by the whole community to ensure they feel valued and experiment success. Every child is everyone’s responsibility and children who have SEN are expected to make good or better academic progress from their starting point.

The school has adapted the physical environment and there is are no barriers to wheelchair users or those with mobility challenges. The school regular employs a sin language interpreter to converse with parents.

The parent of children who have SEN are warmly welcomed and they are invited to structured meetings once every term. However, there is an ‘open door’ policy and the Head and the Deputy (who both hold the NASCO qualification) are at the beginning and ending of each day if parents need to make additional appointments.

The children often say, ‘We are a Christ Church family when we are in school’. This is indeed true, regardless of race, religion, disability, SEN, creed or colour, everyone is included, respected and can grow in our family.

Christ Church NW1 Primary School iMHARS June 2019.

Teachers meet with SENCo at start of year to discuss pupils with SEN. This helps teachers to plan engaging and appropriately challenging lessons’

‘Tasks are differentiated to meet pupils’ learning needs’

‘Some pupils are targeted for interventions e.g. reading recovery and maths or phonics groups’

Pupils with a Special Educational Need

At Christ Church we recognise that all pupils have unique talents and qualities. If a child is not making the progress we would expect him or her to make, we will in the first instance notify you, the parent or carer, and discuss how we can support your child. Children may have difficulties with learning, social and emotional difficulties or a physical disability. Sometimes children require a short-term intervention to enable them to ‘catch up’ whist other pupils may require long term support and intervention to enable them to achieve their potential.

If your child has a Special Educational Need, you will be consulted about how we are going to support them and they will be added to the SEN register with your consent.

An Individual Education Plan (I.E.P) may be devised by your child’s teacher and the Special Educational Needs co-ordinator. An I.E.P includes targets for your child to work towards, review dates and ideas to help you support your child at home. Your child’s teacher will meet with you to discuss your child’s I.E.P and review your child’s progress regularly.

As a school we work with and seek advice from a range of outside agencies including the educational psychologist, speech therapist, CAMHS therapist, Occupational Therapist and the school nurse. Full consultation with parents will always take place.

Gifted and Talented Pupils

Some children in school may show that they are particularly gifted or talented in a specific area. After consultation with parents and teachers, such children will be put on the Gifted and Talented register and teaching will be adapted for these pupils to enable them to realise their full potential. Enrichment opportunities in school and also in the wider community can be offered to enhance the learning of our gifted and talented pupils.

Access for children and adults with physical disabilities

Most areas of the school are accessible by wheelchairs – access can be gained using the long path through the children’s entrance and into the main school building next to Chestnut (Reception) Class. In addition, we also have handrails next to stairs and hazard markers above any steps for children or adults with visual impairments.

The school SENDCo is Amy Stroud. She can discuss any concerns you have regarding your child’s SEN and how you can best support your child at home.

Amy is available to meet with parents by appointment at the school office.

For more information please see the school’s SEN Information Report: CHRIST CHURCH PRIMARY SEN INFORMATION REPORT 2024

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